Quick Start with TMQL
(TextMaster Query Language)
TMQL™ is a SQL
like query language which combines the simplicity and power of SQL with the
unique characteristics of a text file and flexibility of regular expressions
into one powerful language designed to manipulate fixed or delimited files.
a query to be executed, Text Master first requires a
connection to be
created for a specific file and then a query to be built.
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Start with SELECT statement using
sample data
1. Open TextMaster Data Editor (if you do not have TM Data Editor installed on your computer
- download now)
2. Click or
select File >> Query from main menu
3. Click Help>>Load Sample Data
4. Select C:\TMSampleData folder .
Screen should be similar to this one:
5. Copy any of the queries from the TMQL Sample
Query list below, execute it and observe results.
I.e. First query (select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv will look like
Note: "No." filed is auto generated and is not part of the c:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv
text file
TMQL Sample Query List:
SELECT * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
Will retrieve all lines from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv
file and each line will have all fields displayed.
SELECT Top(5) * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
Will retrieve the first 5 lines from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv file and each line will have all fields
SELECT Offset(2) * from
Will retrieve all lines from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv, starting from second line. All lines from the
file will have all fields displayed.
SELECT top(5) offset(2) Name,Phone,Company from
Will retrieve the first 5 rows (lines) starting from
the second line (row). Result will contain only Name, Phone and Company fields
SELECT * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
where Country == "Canada"
Will retrieve all lines from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv where the Country field is equal to “Canada”
(values like CANADA, Canada etc. will be omitted).
SELECT * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
where Country.ToUpper() == "CANADA"
Will retrieve all lines from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv where the Country field is equal to “Canada”
regardless of the letter case (Canada,CANADA, Canada etc - all values will be
SELECT * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
where Country.ToUpper() ! "CANADA"
Will retrieve all lines from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv where the Country field is not equal to “Canada”
regardless of the letter case (Canada,CANADA, Canada etc).
SELECT * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
where Name.Contains("1")
Will retrieve all lines from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv where Name contains number “1”
SELECT * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
where Name.StartsWith("John1") && Country == "Canada"
Will retrieve all lines from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv where the Country field is equal to “Canada” and
Name starts with “John1”. (“John” or “John2” will not be retrieved)
SELECT * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
where Name.StartsWith("John1") || Name.StartsWith("John2")
Will retrieve all lines from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv where Name starts with “John2“ or “John1”.
(“John” will not be retrieved).
SELECT Name.Replace("1","5") from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.Contains("1")
Will retrieve lines were Name field contains “1” and
replace only letter “1” with “5”. Only one field per line will be retrieved.
select PostalCode.Substring(0,3),Email from
C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where PostalCode.Trim() != "
Will retrieve two fields per line. The first field
will be a substring (first three characters ) of the Postal Code and the second
field will contain the e-mail. Only lines with non empty Postal Codes will be
If query was without 'where' clause query execution will report an error for the lines with empty PostalCode;
The first column name is
labeled as FIELD0. Use “as” close to change field name for the fields where
function is used. To assign PC as column (field) name to the first field run the
following query:
SELECT PostalCode.Substring(0,3) as PC,Email from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where
PostalCode.Trim() != ""
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TMQL String Functions